Sabtu, 27 September 2014

GCG menjadikan terminator itu seperti messiah.

Mari kita sedikit tenggelam didalam masa lalunya Prof. Molengraff saat ia merumuskan konsepnya mengenai perusahaan yang bertahan hingga bertahun tahun lamanya. Ini merupakan salah satu bukti bahwa manusia memang fana tetapi ide nya abadi. Karena ide sang professor tetap dipakai sebagai acuan hingga sekarang.Menurut professor  perusahaan adalah keseluruhan perbuatan yang dilakukan secara terus menerus, bertindak keluar, untuk mendapatkan penghasilan, dengan cara memperniagakan barang-barang, menyerahkan barang-barang, atau mengadakan perjanjian-perjanjian perdagangan.

Ada yang mengomentari bahwa sang professor melihat ini dari sisi ekonomi. Perusahan bertindak terus menerus dengan satu titik yang menjadi puncaknya adalah mendapatkan penghasilan. Dan terus bertahan di puncak penghasilannya. Event terus menerus ini berarti adanya continouitas didalam proses nya suatu bentuk konsistensi. Maka menurut saya definisi ini membuat perusahaan menjadi seperti mesin, seperti suatu pembangkin listrik yang terus menerus menbangkitkan listrik. Listrik nya adalah penghasilan yang juga pada akhirnya sama, apabila pembangkit listrik menghasilkan listrik dan memberikan keuntungan kepada pemiliknya. Begitu juga perusahaan pegawainya berkerja untuk memberikan keuntungan kepada pemiliknya siapapun pemiliknya itu. Negara atau swasta, pada akhirnya komponen pembangkit tidak mendapatkan apa apa, begitu juga pegawai perusahaan mereka tidak mendapatkan apa apa.Para pegawai hanya menukarkan setiap detik kehidupan yang mereka memiliki dengan suatu kemampuan untuk mengkosumsi. Kekonyolan ini akan saya bahas ditulisan saya yang lain tidak ditulisakan disini.

Disini saya akan menyatakan kebingungan saya terhadap perusahaan yang berdasarkan pengertian ahli lain sekalipun ataupun undang undang di posisikan seperti mesin. Tepatkah ini, saya rasa tidak karena mesin komponennya adalah benda benda mati sedangkan perusahaan komponennya adalah benda hidup. Manusia yang memiliki nurani.

Karena komponen yamg dibentuk oleh benda hidup yang membentuk suatu kesatuan ini tidak bisa kita anggap sebagai benda mati. Sepertinya john elkington menyadari itu kemudian dengan gagahnya beliau menerapkan triple bottom line kepada perusahaan yang dianggapnya ingin terus hidup dan mengalami keberlanjutan. Perusahaan harus adil terhadap masyarakat sosial, lingkungan dan menhasilkan keuntungan ekonomi.

Disini ada keadilan terhadap sosial dan lingkungan maka mulailah perusahaan seperti memiliki jiwa. Tidak lagi seperti mesin tetapi mulai memiliki nurani. Bayangkan perusahaan seperti arnold swathenegger dalam film terminator yang mulai memiliki nurani. Tidak lagi hanya mengutamakan profit untuk kepentingan pemilik semata. Karena pada hakekatnya perusaah modern terjadi pemisahan antara entitas pemilik perusahaan dan pengelola perusahaan maka apabila hanya menghasilkan profit untuk pemilik celakalah para karyawan perusahaan tersebut dan mesin waktu kembali berjalan, kita kembali si masa revolusi industri dimana kapasitas produksi yang besar cintanya bertepuk sebelah tangan dengan kesejahteraan para buru.

Melalui perjuangan berdarah darah dari segenap orang-orang yg peka dan peduli maka berkembanglah gcg. Yang dentumanya ditandai dengan kuatnya bargaining power yang dimiliki serikat perkerja di penghujung masa revolusi industri. Setelah itu berbagai kuda kapitalisme imf dan institusi keuangan lainnya mendorong gcg untuk lebih kompleks. Lebih galak dengan memaksanya untuk menjadi suatu undang undang. Walaupun tujuan mereka untuk melindungi dana yang mereka tanamkan yang sah sah saja. Toh akhirnya saya ikut menari karena perusahaan yang dulu nya keras menjadi lembut dan mengayomi.

Karena sudah sangat galaknya gcg perusahaan mau tidak mau mematuhinya. Pada.akhirnya walaupun setengah terpaksa perusahaan berusaha untuk membangun keluar membangun masyarakat dan lingkungannya. Dan jadilah sirkus perusahaan dengan lagu pengiring pembangunan.

Selasa, 09 September 2014

Against Globalization Leads by Youth People to Rediscovering Indonesian Tourism

Over a century Indonesia had already spreads nation sovereignty along with famous wealth of Indonesian natural resources to the world. Nevertheless the stunning beauty of Indonesia nature also shine between asian continent and Australia continent. Long time ago when Yuan Sebastian Del Cano arrived in land of Kalimantan he must be spellbound by the wealth and beauty of nusantara.

Right now era of colonialism have past. Indonesia now have “pancasila” as nation identity and “bhinneka tunggal ika” as nation souls. But right now is not a colonialism that threatening our motherland but some big wave of a new world order that we named globalization and every single complex problem that comes along with it. It surely have a big potential to bring over a new dark sky just like when colonialism era ruled Indonesia.

Globalization basically is a new world order without a real and clear separator between country and culture. An era where connectify reached it’s peak in every sector of our life. Value for Original culture on the edge of disappearing, our young generation almost lost a pride of our own culture. Next generation forced to forget the essence of our nation identity, Pancasila slowly replace by liberal concept. Voting culture begins to replace “musyawarah untuk mufakat”. Our nation economics contains very high risk of breakdown, because the foundation that held our economics begins to controlled from abroad. Our youth could possibly be a slave in it’s own nation in the future. Because right now they not ready yet to compete with human resources from advance country that start to flooded Indonesia .

After all the task to challenged it lay at the shoulder of our youth generation. Tourism sector with it’s stunning beauty could be one of our way to provide the answer . This answers could only provide by a Leadership of our youth generation that must be leading this sectors. because this sector demands a very high innovation combine by fresh idea that already contained in the brilliant of youth leadership, And essentially a consideration that bless with out of the box characteristic decision can only produce by a youth leadership.

Tourism is a superiority that this nation had, this natural beauty will never exhausted or damage if we treat it carefully and right. First we should know our tourism position right now. It was very ironic if we compare our potential and result that we obtain. Depend on data released by Kompas Indonesia in 2013  Indonesia was place in rank 70 at global tourism competitiveness. We still overwhelmed by our neighbor Singapura on 10 place, Malaysia 34 and Thailand 43.

It means we must start a revolution in our tourism. All this time our tourism only sold beauty of Indonesia nature, for the fact we have more potential than that. We also must sell our unique culture and the rediscover Indonesian tourism, I named it “Youth People Tourism”.

In youth people tourism we delegates task to create idea and tourism concept to a local youth community that lived around tourism area .We recruit everyone that aware and have a will to participate .After the recruitment finish we incubate our candidate with a basic knowledge about tourism management. After they obtain enough knowledge we have to mix and match between they knowledge and their local potential. Finally we will have some possible ideas that we could implements.

Recruiting party should be from Indonesian Government, Tourism Ministry and province government should work together simultaneously. They should always give a guidance when the process running.

There is one rules that must contain in our new tourism. We must move forward with two business  core. Our natural beauty and our unique local culture should be our main product now. Local culture could in form of a festival, ritual, ethnic event, and anything that feels unique so only Indonesia that have it. Our unique local culture can be  great competitive advantages if we could add it to our new rediscover tourism.

Local Culture goes global must be living in very soul of our rediscover tourism. Because it will give us advantages in every aspect .First it surely add our tourism competitive advantages, second it will make our culture popular so in the end, if our culture popular like Korean and Meksiko automatically it will open a new business opportunity. But more importance it will be a foundation of our nation identity, it will strengthen our proudness to our own culture so globalization doesn’t had an opening to penetrate, In fact we will be the one that influencing globalization.

Tight connection between tourism and local youth society will give a new face to our tourism, it is a tourism that maintain simultaneous growth between tourism it self and economic growth for local society .Local culture goes global was truly a reliable shield for our nation identity. Because when it’s goes global a lot of our Indonesian people will aware about it and took part to preserve it . Same things will happened to our natural resources, preservation for our natural resources will be safer because more than one million eyes in the world will watch and look after our the beauty of our natural resources. In the end its our youth generation that should take the role to be the pledge of this program. Only the young could bring Indonesian local beauty to the world and overcome globalization.

“Youth generation as the key player in Renewable Energy Supply to Overcome The challenges of Globalization "

Renewable energy is not only new in Indonesia, but also the rest of the world. Over past 50 year the increasing  of  civilization that highly depend on fosil energy as main energy supply was enormous. Because of the industrial revolution  in france,england and follow by rest of europe country, it make a massive change in human civilization. It happens not only in europe, but also affecting america, africa, and of course asia. People live was never be the same, everythings was based on mechanisme of machine that invented by the scientist, every country raced to make greatest industry, people raced to make their lived easier and sophisticated, lot of machine, invention, and breakthrough in science. Was this proggress doesnt have negative impact. It have, big dangerous negative impact not only for us but also for our predessors.

Every thing that we invented now, to ruled over our civilization, was mainly based on one things in common "energy supply". Every advance technology even old fashioned technology that make our lives easier,  was running while it can get energy supply. And ironically that energy supply was highly created from oil or fuel energy, it happens  even for the most super power country america. This table explain about the cost of renewable enrgy in EU. 

Picture 1 Renewable Energy Cost In EU
Can we ever imagine that someday when the fossil energy runs out, will our machine already gain an ability to overcome it. Can our technology win a raced with the runs out of the fossil energy. But before that raced could over i am sure, because of what we are doing right now the climate change and global warming as the side effect of our fossil energy supply shall punish us first.

Every problem I elaborated before was happened in many country, In our beloved country to indonesia. Every country now raced to make a renewable energy as new energy supply to support our civilization. And the start of that research on advance country such us german, america and etc was not to far ahead from developing country like indonesia. I am sure with some hardwork, commitment and little bit of luck, Indonesia can be a leading country in renewable energy. PT Len Industri will be such key player for Indonesia to compete in this renewable energy supply competition. With the full commitment of the goverment and PT len Industri It self, will come a days when PT Len Industri share a same stage with Chevron, Daecheong Construction Co Ltd, Kyusu Electric Power inc,  General Electric and etc.

Focused on PT Len Industri,  renewable energy  supply that  must be develop by PT Len industri was a renewable energy supply  that have a characteristic of non exhaustible source and no enviromental footprint. Renewable energy can be in a various shape, such us Hydro Energy, Solar (Photovolt and Thermal), Wind Energy, Geothermal Energy. All of thus kind of renewable energy supply must have a small cost, better without variable cost and a big output energy suppy, to overcome fossil energy because of the price of crude oil getting higher everyday.
2.0 Crude Oil Price Statistic
As we know that now a days, cost of our technology of renewable energy was depent on the output level, Only Nuclear energy supply that have the closest characteristic. When we build a renewable energy, the project always had a bigger cost than if we build a fossil energy suppy. But we must remmember, When we build a renewable energy supply station, We Invest for the next forty years of electricity supply in our country. And PT Len Industri already aware of that, by created a photovolt factory with pertamina, and strengthening solar cell product .That is an straight answer for the challenge of renewable energy supply in Indonesia.
Gambar 2 Off Grid System PT Len Industri
Gambar 4. On Grid PV Technologies and Application PT Len Industri

PT Len industry was a key player in Indonesia renewable energy supply since many years ago. PT Len main production for solar cell  was a Polycrystalline / Monocrystalline PV and in 2011 from that product PT Len Industri could produce 10MW/year, it’s system itself operate since 1998. All picture next will display PT Len Industri solar energy supply in Indonesia.
Gambar 5. PT Len Industri Energy Station in Indonesia
But PT len Industri still need a support from indonesia goverment. Support from the goverment can be actualize on tax policy about import of solar equipment production tools, policy about the cost of material, and a special credit offer for renewable energy project offer by Greenbank. Greenbank can be a consorsium of goverment Bank such as Mandiri,Bni or Bri. When all of that gather combine with PT Len Industri Ability. PT Len Industri will stand a chance to make Indonesia defeat german as the highest market penetration of solar power in the world. It strange that german have a fewer hours of sunlight than Indonesia.
4.0 Renewable energy Statistic In Indonesia
PT Len Industri already and will always give it’s all effort to maximazie Indonesian renewable energy supply especially by using Solar Cell product and Photovolt factory. PT Len industry has already have a many line up off renewable energy supply product. And With join venture company with pertamina. I am sure that PT Len Industri will overcome the challenges to give sustainable renewable energy suppy for Indonesia  

1.      Heal, Geoffrey 2009. The Economics Of Renewable Energy. Working Paper For National Bureau Of Economic Research . New York, Colombia University
2.      Kementrian ESDM. Statistik Energi Terbarukan. Jakarta, Kementrian ESDM Indonesia
3.      PT Len Industri Presentation
4.      Indonesia Today, Pertamina To Build The First Solar PV Cell Factory In Indonesia.
15  Maret 2013.

Demokrasi sang garuda

Demokrasi bukanlah hasil temuan nenek moyang kita. Memang bukan di tanah ibu pertiwi ini lahirnya demokrasi itu, dia lahir jauh di arah matahari terbenam yaitu di eropa, yunani tepatnya tanah kelahiran demokrasi. Sistem pemerintahan yang memang hasil temuan nenek moyang kita adalah Sistem kerajaan , Itulah budaya berpolitik nusantara jaman dulu, saat majapahit dan singosari masih megah, gagah di seantero nusantara. Konsep itu menerapkan seseorang memiliki umsur keilahian yang lebih derajatnya dibanding yang lain, maka jadilah dia raja dan birulah darah keluarganya. Tidak heran sampai sekarang bermuculan dinasti-dinasti baru kekeluargaan berdarah biru dengan motor uang yang menguasai pemerintahan Negara ini.

Tapi pada dasarnya sekarang konsep tersebut sudah usang, seperti barang usang lainnya yang tempatnya digudang, tidak terpakai lagi dan digantikan oleh barang baru yang namanya demokrasi. Setelah seabad lebih merdeka baru sekarang kita benar-benar mengadopsi demokrasi ini. Setelah berdarah darah para penjuang demokrasi memperjuangkannya akhirnya kita tiba di pestanya demokrasi setiap lima tahun sekali. Namu apakah semua sepaham akan benang merah inti dari demokrasi ini, apakah semua pelaku demokrasi ini benar-benar seorang garuda yang gagah di nusantara, atau hanya  bunglon yang berpura-pura sangar supaya dapat makan lalu ikut ambil kesempatan di panggung demokrasi.

Pelakunya demokrasi adalah para politisi, baik karbitan ataupun politisi karir banyak macamnya di nusantara ini. Semua terjun ke panggung mimbar nya demokrasi, berjanji lalu bersumpah dan berbicara lantang mengenai rencana mereka, yang terkadang pasti terkesan seperti lawakan bagi aristokrat pendidikan atau para ahli yang mengerti dengan apa yang lantang mereka suarakan.

Sebaiknya sebelum mereka lantang maju ke mimbar demokrasi, mereka harus nya dididik dahulu, akan konsep nya demokrasi sang garuda. Para pemangku kepentingan harusnya meluangkan waktu dan anggaran untuk mendidik mereka mengenai berdemokrasi yang baik dan benar ala demokrasi garuda, jangan hanya keluarkan peraturan tetapi tidak mengedukasi, masalah ada yang bebal itu masalah pelaku, tetapj sebebal apapun paling tidak ada sedikit konsep yang melekat.

Konsep demokrasi ala garuda seharunya mulai dengan merubah para politisi menjadi patriot. Mereka punya jalan dan pandangan berbeda, tapi misi satu, memakmurkan seantero nusantara ini baik alam ataupun rakyatnya. Demokrasi ala garuda harusnya kembali menjimplak demokrasi nya yunani, berdiri di mimbar berbicara dengan latang penuh argumentasi, silogisme dan kalau perlu retorika. Bukannya berjoged memanggil wanita cantik dan dipasang didepan, harusnya bukan suara speaker yang megah tetapi pemikiran yang tajam yang ditonjolkan. Lebih sedih lagi berbagi uang, demokrasi macam apa itu. Plato dan muridnya aristoteles akan melarang kata demokrasi dipakai disini kalau mereka masih hidup. Karena bahkan untuk beretorika sekalipun yang namanya politisi kita tidak mampu, mengedepankan emosi serta sok jago, nah itu jadi andalan kemudian pada akhirnya dibumbui lagi oleh media maka makin populerlah politisi berpikiran dangkal itu.

kampanye apa konser musik sebenarnya?.masalah janji tidak ditepati mau dipermasalahkan nanti saja, sekarang lihat dulu cara mengumbar janji nya saja seperti jualan rokok ketengan lampu merah . Cara mereka berkampanye rendah dan tidak berjiwa. Seharusnya dimulai dari kampanye ini kita harus ketat dan keras akan demokrasi ala garuda, maka ada kemungkinan kita bisa membuat bangga bung hatta yang sudah sangat dalam mepelajari demokrasi. Bung hatta adalah contoh terbaik seorang pelaku demokrasi ala garuda. Semoga saja masih ada patriot diantara banyak ragam politisi itu. Masih ada orang jujur, sejujur plato saat akan menerima hukuman menegak racuk. Maka akan ke angkasa lah garuda ku ini,membungbung tinggi di langit.